Leo, Spain (he/it)

"I went from a horribly depressed girl to a beautiful, happy young man who can actually look forward to the future."

What made you realize you were trans? How old were you?

I realised when I was about 14 and noticed that the way I thought about my body (particularly my chest) went beyond the dislike that other women/girls expressed.

When did you start making changes? What were these changes?

The first change was my pronouns in my Tumblr bio lol. After that I cut my hair from hip length to my shoulders, and then a second time to a more pixie cut ish style. I also DIYed a binder to see if I actually liked not seeing my chest (not recommended).

Have these changes started to make you feel more comfortable in your life and body?

Definitely! After the hair I got a proper binder, then broke down at the kitchen table and came out to my mom, then she helped me get signed up to therapy so I could get my T!

What would you tell your younger self? Would you do anything differently?

It will be painful when people call you a girl, but become funnier in time. Please insist on using your name.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Tomorrow marks 2 weeks post top surgery. I'm lying in my own bed in my own apartment (rented and shared but it still counts), pursuing a completely different avenue of education than I thought I would. I did 2 years of uni before realising I wanted to be in the trades, I've lived with my family, in dorms, alone, and now with friends. Everyone in my course uses my name, I get referred to as male in stores, and I'm just starting to get chin hairs after 3 and a half years on T (because everything else went to my ass, lol). Every year has been better than the last. I went from a horribly depressed girl to a beautiful, happy young man who can actually look forward to the future.

Even if at some point I regret any of it, I will never be able to regret the joy I'm feeling right now.

Have the gender-affirming steps you’ve taken impacted your overall happiness and sense of well-being?



Remington, United States (he/him)


Sebastian, Switzerland (he/him)