Ben, Sweden (he/him)

“The feeling of just being the real me has been amazing."

Was there a definitive moment you realized you were trans? How old were you?

I was 13 when i realized something was "wrong" 15 when I figured out what it was and came out.

How soon after did you start to make changes? What were these changes?

I started making changes when I was 15. I started by coming out to my friends then my family who told the school, I cut my hair, bought a binder and chose my name about a year later I legally changed it. Now I’m 18 and paied for top surgery and my quality of life is so much better.

Have these changes started to make you feel more comfortable in your life and body?

Yes, but it took a long time to come to terms with it as well almost grieving the loss of a childhood I was supposed to have and I was struggling for a long time. It wasn’t easy but I managed to push through. After just cutting my hair I felt better.

What would you tell your younger self? Would you do anything differently?

I would just tell myself that it gets better even though life feels miserable.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I finally feel like a person, I have yet to start hrt but I’m getting closer everyday but the friendships I have and the feeling of just being the real me has been amazing and a really big weight off my shoulders.

Have the gender-affirming steps you’ve taken impacted your overall happiness and sense of well-being?



Andrey, Ukraine (he/him)


Will, United States (he/him)