TransMascStories is a resource for trans men and trans masculine individuals at the start of their transition journey. Explore anonymous transition stories of others or share your story to pay it forward.

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Meik Meik

Jesse, United States (he/they/it)

Recognize the world doesn't know you've went through transition, and it doesn't matter how strangers identify you. Eventually people will start recognizing the man you are on their own."

onT • 40to50 • he/they/it

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Meik Meik

Andy, United States (he/him)

It wasn't until I found about trans people on the internet back in the late 90s, that I learned that trans men even existed."

onT • 40to50 • he/him

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Meik Meik

Ben, United States (he/they)

“I’d tell my younger self not to let people tell me I was a lesbian just because I liked appearing masculine."

onT • 40to50 • he/they

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Why “TransMascStories”?

When I first started exploring the idea of transitioning, I didn’t immediately see myself as a binary trans man. The term “trans masculine” felt more approachable at the time, as the gap between how I looked and how I felt inside was too wide to fully embrace being a man. This is why I chose the name “TransMascStories” to create a bridge for others who are just beginning their transition journey.

Ultimately, the goal of this project is to showcase the full spectrum of trans masculine journeys, regardless of whether someone identifies strictly as a man. By using “trans masc,” I hope to invite stories from anyone who has taken steps to feel more at home in their body, embracing the many ways trans masculine identities can exist.

No label fits all, however, I am trying to be as inclusive as I can. Read more about the project here.

Also: Follow on Instagram for motivational transition quotes.